



what kinda movie you like?

I like your shirt! Where did you get it.

what subject do you hate most in the school?


夸赞事物时可以用,yea!that's amazing

that's cool stuff!I would like one, too

I never seen it before, it's gorgeous!


比如说,waiting room, Toilet 这些简单的LZ应该都会,英语那么好

boarding pass 登机卡

passport 护照

Identity Card

aisle 靠走道的座位

perfume 香水

tax free 有时候买东西会问你需不需要tax free或者tax back就是指你在新加坡买的东西然 后可以再去机场的时候退税

receipt 小票

leisure centre 休闲中心

charge 收费

changes 小费,零钱

soft drink 碳酸饮料

still water 矿泉水

fizzy drink 汽水

starter 开胃菜 main course 主餐 desert 甜点

where can I change money? 兑钱

currency rate 汇率

notes 纸钞

signature 签名

shampoo 洗发水

shower gel 沐浴露




My family dan I decided to go to Singapore this weekend. We decided to take the route through Batam island.

Our trip started from Bandung. We took GA-Citilink flight from Bandung to Batam. The flight was full with family and people on holiday. Some schools, private ones, in Indonesia he started the holiday. The flight was smooth.

We arrived in Batam and took a taxi cab stright to Batam Center, where they he ferry or speed boot to Batam. The fare was Sing$ 14 returned (both ways). I think there’s a Sing$ 3 tax. We also had to pay “fiscal”. It’s some kind of tax for Indonesians leing the country. The fiscal is Rp 500 thousands. If we lee Indonesia from other places, such as from Jakarta, the fiscal is Rp 1 million. It’s quite expensive, really. That’s the most expensive component in our trip.






(1) 新加坡英语中,缩写和简称之多堪称一绝。曾有个网上流传的英语名称的缩写清单,长长的一串,绝对的新加坡特色,其他国家/地区的人拿在手里的话,基本是一头雾水。这还体现在手机短信和电子邮件里面,英语词被缩写得面目全非。但,他们相互之间都懂。比如:he写成hv;meeting被缩成mtg;等等。

(2) 为了图省事,新加坡人讲英语(尤其是口语),会不顾及语法,只求快速地表达出意思。甚至偷懒到拿英文的词套入中文的语句结构中。有一个颇经典的笑话,说明新加坡人讲话多么的”偷懒“:

新加坡饮料摊主,手持玻璃杯询问某外国顾客:Can?(他的本意是:Can I take this glass for you?但他愣是把一句话简略成一个词)

外国顾客没留意到对方手里的杯子,以为问他“是否要听装的”,就爽快答道:yes, can. (好的,听装的)



另外,因为是个多种族的国家,新加坡英语也受了多种其他语言、方言的影响。比如:华语(普通话)、马来语、客家话、潮州话,等等。这导致他们的英语(尤其是口语)夹杂了很多外来词。而且,新加坡的很多专有名词,尤其是地名,都有马来语的影子。这自然也不利于外来者的理解。乍听之下,谁知道Bukit Badok或是Pasir Panjang是个啥玩意呢。

有一点可以肯定:新加坡英语同英国英语相比,是简洁明了的,虽然它常常画蛇添足地加上一些后缀。关于它的简洁明了,Paik Choo在其“The Coxford Singlish Dictionary”里有绝好的例子,现拿出几条:

英国人:I’m sorry, Sir, but we don’t seem to he the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you. (对不起,先生,我们好像没有您要的尺寸,不过如果您稍候片刻,我可以打电话去我们其他的分店。)

新加坡人:No stock! (没货!)

英国人:Hello, this is Mr Bean. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?(您好,这是豆子先生。几分钟前有人寻呼过我?)

新加坡人:Hello, who page? (喂,谁呼我?)

英国人:Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door? (对不起,你看我能从这扇门进去吗?)

新加坡人:(while pointing at door) Can or Not? (指着门)能不能?

英国人:Please make yourself right at home. (请您随意,就像在家那样。)

新加坡人:Don’t shy, leh! (别害臊了!)

英国人:Excuse me, I’d like to get by. Would you please make way? (对不起,我想过去,您可以让一下吗?)

新加坡人:Lai,siam! 或者 Siam, hor! 或者Skius! () (前两者乃闽南方言,大意为:让开;后者为不标准英语, 意即:对不起,让我过去。)

如前所述,新加坡英语的奇特生动,不仅表现在语句和语意上,也表现在语音语调上,一般来说,它的语调忐忑不平,带了浓厚的东南亚方言的味道;同时又常常强调最后一个音节,似像非像法语,当然后者要雍容华贵得多。另外,新加坡英语中有些音不发,或者说,被改为它音,比如说,three中的thr两音被变为tree中的tr 之音,thirty中的th 音被变为dirty中的d音,也因此有了以下的笑话:

丈夫对朋友介绍自己的妻子, 讲到年龄时他说:You know I’m dirty tree, already lah. But do you know my wife is also dirty tree?




Singapore is made up of not just one island but a main island with 63 surrounding islets. The main island has a total land area of 682 square km.

However, its compact size belies its economic growth. In just 150 years, Singapore has grown into a thriving centre of commerce and industry. Its former role as an entrepot has diminished, as the nation has increased its manufacturing base.

Singapore is the busiest port in the world with over 600 shipping lines sending super tankers, container ships and passenger liners to share the busy waters with coastal fishing vessels and wooden lighters
